Meet Holli Simon

Hi Friends! Welcome to my tiny slice of internet space, I am glad you’re here! My name is Holli, Jesus lover, wife and mama of two boys, one little and one big (3 months and 13 years). God captured my heart in November of 2016 and my life has flipped upside and all around since. I created this space as a place to share, encourage and have community with others. And to share my passions for my family, personal growth, home decor, fashion, beauty, travel.. you name it. So lets dive deep or stay on the surface. Lets talk about our hurts and triumphs and braid each others hair while watching some sort of chick flick. Let us dive into the Word. Let us talk about motherhood or womanhood or peoplehood (well I just made the last one up but you get me).

xx Holli